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outright forward中文是什么意思

用"outright forward"造句"outright forward"怎么读"outright forward" in a sentence


  • 远期直接汇率


  • Includes outright forwards and foreign exchange swaps
  • A includes spot , outright forward and foreign exchange swaps transactions
  • Outright forward and foreign exchange swaps transactions were included as part of both the foreign exchange and derivatives transactions in the 1995 survey
  • In addition , foreign exchange forward transactions ( including outright forwards and foreign exchange swaps ) amounted to us $ 47 . 6 billion per day in april 1998 , or 5 per cent of the world total
    此外,一九九八年四月外汇远期交易(包括单纯远期及外币掉期交易)达到每日476亿美元,占全球总额的5 % 。
  • In addition , foreign exchange forward transactions ( including outright forwards and foreign exchange swaps ) amounted to us $ 47 . 6 billion per day in april 1998 , or 3 . 9 per cent of the world total
    此外,一九九八年四月外汇远期交易(包括单纯远期及外币掉期交易)达到每日476亿美元,占全球总额的3 . 9 % 。
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